5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Lifeguard Certification

5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Lifeguard Certification

I’m sure that you’ve heard that lifeguarding is a great job. It’s a fun job that allows you to make a lot of money and spend your days swimming, playing water polo, and having a good time. However, if you’re considering becoming a lifeguard, there’s a good chance that you’ll find out that it’s not as easy as it seems. Here are 5 things that everyone gets wrong about lifeguard certification:

You Don’t Have To Be a Swim Coach

If you want to become a lifeguard, you don’t have to be a swim coach. You can get certified by taking a pool-based course that focuses on pool safety. While this will give you the skills needed to handle various situations in the pool, it won’t teach you how to swim. You also won’t learn much about water polo or other sports, such as diving, from a pool-based course.

Instead, you’ll need to take a course that focuses on teaching you how to be a lifeguard for a particular sport, such as water polo. This means that if you want to work at a resort, you’ll have to take a course that teaches you how to become a lifeguard for a particular sport.

You Can Be a Lifeguard for Any Sport

One of the most important things that you need to know about lifeguard certification is that it covers all types of sports. That means that you can be a lifeguard for swimming, diving, and even water polo. If you want to become a lifeguard for one of these sports, you’ll have to take a course that focuses on teaching you how to be a lifeguard for that sport.

You Don’t Need a License To Work As A Lifeguard

A lot of people think that you need a license to work as a lifeguard. While this is true for some states, you don’t need to be licensed to work as a lifeguard in most states. Instead, you’ll just need to pass an exam that certifies that you know the required skills and has the right level of training.

You Can Get a Lifeguard Certification Online

If you’re looking to get lifeguard certification, it can be very helpful to take a course online. This will help you learn everything that you need to know without having to spend a lot of money on travel and training. That way, you can save up for all of the other things that you need to do to become a lifeguard. You can also get a lifeguard training online by taking an online class.

The course will cover everything that you need to know in order to work as a lifeguard. You can find this type of training on many websites online. Lifeguarding is a job that requires the use of specialized knowledge and experience.

When you are a lifeguard, you need to be able to provide care for others. If you are thinking about becoming a lifeguard, then you may want to consider some of these tips. The first thing that you need to think about when you are considering a career as a lifeguard is your state of mind.

Lifeguard Training Can Be Expensive

The truth is that lifeguard training can be expensive. The cost of lifeguard training depends on how long the course lasts, what kind of course it is, and what state you live in. In most states, the minimum training length is 24 hours, but some states require you to have a minimum of 72 hours of training. This means that if you decide to become a lifeguard, you’ll need to spend at least $600 or more for training.

If you’re interested in learning more about lifeguarding, you should consider taking a lifeguard course. Not only will it teach you how to be a lifeguard, but it will also help you to develop new skills.


There are many people who want to be a lifeguard. However, they don’t know how to go about it. This article will teach you the ins and outs of becoming a lifeguard.

The more you learn about the industry, the better prepared you will be for the job. The best thing to do is to work with the lifeguards at the pool where you are going to apply. They can answer all of your questions and give you the inside scoop.

The American Lifeguard Association (ALA) is providing all the knowledge to the lifeguards in their lifeguard certification programs. If you want to get the best lifeguard training from one of the most reputed organizations then feel free to contact ALA.